My Forever

my feelings were clear

I made sure you know dear

took every moment for you to see

that your presence brings me glee


such bliss was returned

my heart, I felt it burned

I heard those words finally

saying you also love me


I think I should let you know

that you give me so much glow

and when you smile at me it’s obvious to see

‘us’ is what’s supposed to be


when you touch my face I shiver

when you hold my hand the feelings make me wonder

would it feel the same in years to come

would it still be perfect without yours in my palm


the days with you I want to last

dates with you, coffee every breakfast

even disagreement with you I value

especially if it’s about a book we argue


love, a poem is all I offer

but they say writings last forever

and that’s how I hope us to be

forever, there will be you and me